Wednesday, December 30, 2009
CHART metalworks show at Hilltop Coffee Extended
With all the bitter cold recently we have found ourselves carrying about cups of warmth. Now that our show "The Islands of Casco Bay" has been extended at Hilltop Coffee Shop (99 Congress Street next to Rosemont Bakery) into the new year we and you have a place to get something warm, something edible, and daydream about Maine's beautiful islands.

Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday's CHART Story
Our Monday CHART metalworks story is about Chris and Liz, a recently engaged young couple who purchased key rings to commemorate the purchase of their first home. Sweet!!
Wear your world, tell your story. What is yours?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Happy Holidays
Have a wonderful holiday. Good health and times in the new year!
Photo by Slim Aarons "Verbier Vacation"
Photo by Slim Aarons "Verbier Vacation"
Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday's CHART Story
Today's CHART metalworks story is Adam. A young man, he purchased a belt buckle with a chart of picturesque Round Pond, Louds Island, and Hog Island where he used to play as a child and now brings his children to play.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Listen to the Music of the Islands
Today's island stories are about the music.
Hussey Sound was home to a navy fueling depot during World War II. It was a hub of activity during this time. There were as many as 50 - 60 ships riding at anchor in Hussey's waiting to refuel.
Long Island boats some of the best sandy beaches in Maine. One of them is Singing Beach on the ocean side. When the wind and tide are just right, a curious musical tone can be heard.
Chart metalworks show "The Islands of Casco Bay" at Hilltop Coffee Shop (99 Congress Street next to Rosemont Bakery continues through the end of the month.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Islands of Casco Bay history of Peaks Island
Today's island story is about Mr. Bennett's Aquarium Cove. During the turn-of-the century tourism on Peaks Island attracted many entrepreneurs including Mr. Bennett, who decided he wanted to build an aquarium in the small cove on the North end of the island. he built a concrete floor and erected walls forming a pool with a promenade. Water was pumped in from Hussey Sound and the pool became home to small fish, an eel and a seal. Before the first ticket could be sold to the public, the eel ate the fish and the seal ate the eel and then died. The kindhearted Mr. Bennett despite this setback, decided to open the pool to the public and allowed all to swim for free.
Chart metalworks show "The Islands of Casco Bay" at Hilltop Coffee Shop (99 Congress Street next to Rosemont Bakery) continues through the end of the month.

Monday, December 14, 2009
Monday's CHART Story
Here's our CHART story for today. We made a beautiful Belt Buckle featuring Sanibel Island, Florida for a Boston resident by the name of Dawn.
It's a gift for her dear friend, L., who has a very special and splendid house down there that she shares every year, hosting all her rowing friends in the most glorious and generous way. Dawn thought the belt was the perfect way to say Thanks to L. and the perfect gift for someone who is so hard to find the right thing for.

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Islands of Casco Bay history of Little Diamond Island
A little background information on the 5 piece silver bracelet in the "Islands of Casco Bay" show at Hilltop Coffee. The bracelet features Little Diamond Island, Peaks Island, Hussey Sound and Long Island.
A Diamond in the Rough
Up until 1900 Little Diamond consisted of a single working farm. Over the next decade it followed in the footsteps of Great Diamond and a summer colony was formed. The busiest cottage on the island was the Nissen cottage run as a boarding house. The cost to stay for one week was $4.00 and included room and board. The Nissen family later became the famous bakers of Maine and New England.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Islands of Casco Bay photos from opening
Thank you to everyone who came by to support our show at Hilltop Coffee, and to all those who are heading over this month. We had so much fun catching up with friends and meeting new people. Was a big night for craftsmen in Portland. We are thrilled to live in a place with a population so supportive of creativity!
2nd: ‘Little John’s Drinking Place’ Stud earrings $115 featuring Bell/Gong, Small drop earrings $125 featuring Littlejohn Island, Large dangle earrings $135 featuring Hussey Sound
1st: ‘A lone tree’ Extra small silver pendant on silver ball chain $115 featuring Pound of Tea Island, Small silver pendant on silver ball chain $125 featuring Great Chebeague Island,Extra small bronze pendant on oxidized chain $105 featuring Sturdivant Island, Small bronze pendant on oxidized chain $115 featuring House Island

3rd: ‘Laying Claim’ Small silver pendant on oval bracelet chain $155 featuring Cousins Island, Bronze charm on charm bracelet chain $135 featuring Mosier Island, Silver charm on charm bracelet chain $145 featuring Bustins Island
Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday's CHART Story
Today's CHART metalworks story comes from Walter in MidCoast Maine. He ordered a bronze belt buckle of the Damariscotta/Newcastle area, where he has lived with his wife for 25 years and they raised their three children.

Wear your world, tell your story, what's yours?
Wear your world, tell your story, what's yours?
Friday, December 4, 2009
Have a Wonderful Weekend and Ride Your Bike
Back soon, we are running between the shop and Hilltop Coffee getting ready for our exciting event tonight. The gang (that is us, our friends, and Hilltop Coffee owners/regulars). The more the merrier so please come.

It is warm enough to ride your bike over (hint you may want to since the show is supposed to arrive tomorrow night).
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
First Friday Art Walk
Please join us this Friday, December 4 between 5-8:00 p.m. at Hilltop Coffee Shop (99 Congress Street next to Rosemont Bakery) for our art exhibit "The Islands of Casco Bay."

We have been put a lot of work into this exhibit and are really excited about it. We think, and we have been told by the few who have seen it thus far, it is a really cool concept. If you enjoy art, jewelry, and history we think you will feel the same.
We would also love to see you, hear how your week or year has been (depending on when we saw you last). One of the best things about the holiday season are the gatherings, when you run into people at house parties and exhibits like this.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday's CHART Story
We hope you had a happy Thanksgiving with plenty of delicious food and loved ones to share it with.

Today's CHART metalworks story comes from Carolyn. Narrow Damariscove Harbor, replete with a rich history (the Mayflower overnighted here!), is where she and her children scattered their father/her husband's ashes last summer. Before he died of cancer last December, he told Carolyn that is where he wanted to rest. Being avid boaters, they had spent many happy hours exploring Maine's islands and coves, and this was one of their/his favorite places.
To keep his memory close to her daughter she purchased a pendant of Damariscove Harbor. We were honored to create a piece for such a beautiful and meaningful purpose.
Wear your world, tell your story, what's yours?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
CHART metalworks 1 Year Anniversary
As Thanksgiving approaches we'd like to extend a big thanks to everyone. Today marks CHART metalworks 1st year anniversary! What a quick year it was. In that time we brought our wholesale account total up to 59 with locations from Maine to Florida to St. John USVI, we launched a new website, we increased retail sales to an average 4-5 per week (and thanks to you, growing even more this holiday season), we reworked our entire line and added about 15-20 new pieces including an extensive men's line, we launched social networking, we added new packaging, tags, labels and shipping options and we were featured in numerous on line blogs, The Bollard, The Premier Issue of Maine Magazine, The Maine Sunday Telegram, Boston Magazine, Downeast Magazine and Stuff Magazine. We are proud of our accomplishments and grateful of the huge part you have played in our success. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts. Here's to a great second year and Holiday Season!
Charlotte & John
Have a Happy Thanksgiving
Wherever you are and whoever you are with we hope you have a wonderful day with plenty of good food, laughter, and cheer.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Hilltop Art Preview on December 3
CHART metalworks will exhibit THE ISLANDS OF CASCO BAY, framed works and pieces from our collection at the Hilltop Coffee Shop. The exhibit will run from Tuesday, December 1 through 31.
Colorful nautical images embedded behind resin in bronze or sterling silver are strategically placed on corresponding black and white nautical charts with a brief history of the island shown. Each piece is hand engraved by CHART metalworks founder Charlotte Leavitt.
Hilltop Coffee Shop is located at 90 Congress Street in Portland, Maine. Shop hours are 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. seven days a week. The shop will host a special reception during the biggest First Friday Art Walk of the year on Friday, December 4, from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Beverages and refreshments will be served.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday's CHART Story
Today's CHART metalworks story comes from Katy in Boston's North End. After moving to Boston ten years ago for college she lived in a series of apartments all over the city. When she became a resident of the North End four years ago, she found her"home." She loves it there for the graceful movements of the people and cars, the unique experiences she is accumulating, its authenticity and beauty. Katy now considers herself a true Bostonian at heart and with a little piece from CHART metalworks she will always have it with her.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Give As Good As You Get
Often times the most meaningful gifts are not those that cost a month's rent. Live up to your reputation as a creative and thoughtful gift giver, while not spending a lot of money this season with CHART metalworks.

Gift Ideas Under $100:
Charm $85
Zipper Pull $90
Lapel Pin $85
Pendant $85

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Miami Bound
We are super excited to share these pictures of pieces we will be sending to Miami! Note, the pieces are not done. We have a few final touches before these beauties ship off. Just too excited to keep mum another week. Yes, we will post the final pieces and their destination soon! In the meantime, enjoy!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Trunk Show at D. Cole Jewelers in Portland
Chart metalworks is holding a trunk show on November 21 from 1 to 5 p.m. at D. Cole, 10 Exchange Street in Portland. With so much going on this holiday season best to get a jump on gift shopping. We would also just love to see you and find out how your year has been. With the economy on the upswing it looks like this holiday season we will all have something to celebrate!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday's CHART Story
Today's CHART metalworks story is from Karl. Taking a cue from Cupid, Karl purchased a CHART metalworks bracelet for his wife to celebrate their first anniversary. Each of the links reminds them of important places and memories. The couple have spent Thanksgivings together with family in Oak Bluffs, their wedding was down the street from Edgartown Harbor, reception near Great Pond in West Tisbury, wedding pictures on the Menemsha docks, and many an afternoon wandering about East Chop.
We are so glad you and your wife love it and are happy for all the memories you have yet to create!
Friday, November 13, 2009
CHART metalworks in Boca Grand
Attention friends, clients, jewelry lovers, chart enthusiasts: CHART metalworks is in Boca Grand, Florida! While we will not be on hand (we have pieces to make in Maine!), you can be sure to find our treasures in Boca Grande Outfitters.
Need saltwater fly fishing tackle or instructions? Boca Grande Outfitters can help you out there as well. The area's most complete fishing outfitter, they are a popular meeting place for the community. Stock includes sunglasses, tee shirts, belts and flip flops so you will be prepared for a stroll on the beach and around town sporting your shiny new CHART metalworks accessory!
Shop information for Boca Grande Outfitters:
375 Park Avenue in the village of Boca Grande on Gasparilla Island
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Real Weddings Maine Promo
Our friend Audra, who is a wedding photographer, created a blog about destination weddings in Maine. A couple months ago Audra asked CHART metalworks if we would donate a pair of cufflinks for a pro bono wedding for independent documentary filmmaker Aaron Gaudette. He spent his life savings making the film about greeters of troops returning from war. As a result several wedding planners came up with the idea to throw a pro bono wedding for he and his fiance. We happily agreed by donating a pair of cuff links of Sandy Point, the location of the wedding.
This week Audra sent us a link to a video of the wedding, which we are thrilled to share with you. We are the opening clip of this video so you can't miss us!!

Later this month or next Audra will be coming to the studio to shoot a video and post on her blog. We are super excited and will let you know when it is up.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday's CHART Story
Today's CHART metalworks story is from Dawn, who ordered two belt buckles one for her good friend the other for herself. Dawn is a rower, up early for a run and onto the river to practice with her teammates. Back on the river in the afternoon. The water, the coxswain's commands, the power and rhythm of her teammates, and motivation are her friends.

Understanding the importance of friends and teammates we are honored Dawn chose us for two very special gifts. The first belt buckle is of the lovely island of Sanibel, Florida where her dear friend "L" has a special house she shares with Dawn and their rowing friends.
The second belt buckle is of the Elliot Bridge, the scene of a very challenging and exciting oar-on-oar portion of the Head of the Charles Regatta where her team came together and fought it out. Dawn was selected to be on a team in this famous rowing race after a year of hard work and dedication. This was her second time ever competing in this regatta!
Dawn tells us she intends to add other racing charms and pendants as time goes by to celebrate her passion for the sport. We applaud Dawn and thrilled to help her celebrate her achievement.
Wear your world, tell your story, what's yours?

Thursday, November 5, 2009
CHART metalworks in Sarasota
The end of the week has arrived and with it more good news. Fanta Sea, a coastal home accessories shop in Sarasota featuring natural and handcrafted items has yours truly in stock. In addition to jewelry, stationary, tableware, purses, frames, and candles, they sell absolutely beautiful seashells. We're posting a few of our favorites.

REMINDER Emerald City Trunk Show Tomorrow
Good morning and happy Thursday! We are chipper this morning in anticipation of our trunk show tomorrow between 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Portland's newest gift shop Emerald City at #611 Congress Street (near Haymarket Square). We've been doing our vocal cord exercises and picked up glittery red slippers, yellow paint, and a can of oil along with a good selection of our gems. Can't wait to see you! Only two more First Fridays in Portland in 2009!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Find Us in Chatham MA
We have more exciting news! Mark August in Chatham, MA is carrying our gems!! We had a lot of fun making the pieces for this shop. They carry contemporary jewelry and home decor.

Here's the shop information:
Mark August
490 Main Street
Chatham, MA 02633
They are at the east end of Main Street. Look for the blue awning across from the Chatham Squire. Oh, and they are open year round starting at 10:00 a.m. every day!
The owners Corinne and Liz.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Monday's CHART Story
This week's CHART metalworks story is Sara M., who purchased a key ring of Five Islands for her best friend. It is stories like this one, which bring us the unexpected and most amazing joy. Sara has had a home in Five Islands since 1975, the year her son was born. The home has been a place of growth and a resting place for people in her life. She said one of her friends calls it "the safe house." Sara's best friend, who will be the recipient of the key ring, has spent much time at the home helping her maintain the property.

Sara said while the coast of Maine, has changed significantly throughout the years since she bought her property, the village has not been commercialized. The beautiful fishing village remains void of major hotels and resorts, with plenty of pristine waterfront and forests.
Wear your world, tell your story, what's yours?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Emerald City Trunk Show
We're off to hang with the wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Portland next Friday, November 6 between 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the city's newest gift shop Emerald City on Congress Street. Just follow the yellow brick road, or in case the owners don't get a painting permit, you could just walk down Congress Street to #611 near Haymarket Square while singing "Follow the yellow brick road, tra la la! Oh, you're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz." So you might garner a few odd glances, with the economy turning around heading into a glorious holiday season what is there not to sing about!! We and Emerald City's owners Danny Hatt and Don Chouinard will be thrilled to see you. No costume necessary, though we are sure those ruby red slippers you pasted glitter onto will get some points.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Charting Your Course in History
Last night we watched a program on Alexander the Great. This ancient Macedonian king grew up in Greece and conquered the territories now known as Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, and Egypt. It gave us pause to consider what location would he have chosen for his CHART metalworks piece. What places were most memorable to some of the great explorers and conquerors of

Map from Wikipedia.
history. Fascinating.
Map from Wikipedia.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Our bands are wide so if you visit a jewelry store to measure your finger, you should ask for thewide band ring sizer.
Another way to measure your proper ring size is to WRAP a piece of string around your finger. MARK the point on the string where it meets for form a complete circle. MEASURE the length in millimeters from the starting end of the string to your mark.
Now use the following chart to determine your size:
50mm size 4
53mm size 5
55mm size 6
57mm size 7
60mm size 8
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