CUSTOM ORDERS: We can no longer guarantee holiday receipt for CUSTOM pieces.....
ONLINE Place a custom order online by THURSDAY DEC., 22nd and receive a printable version of your location artwork to gift to recipient by SATURDAY DEC., 24th. Your piece will arrive soon after the holidays. Trust us, they'll love the sentiment and thought of the imagery you design during the holidays and then you'll get even more praise when the actual piece arrives soon there after to be fully appreciated as it deserves without all the competition from all those other gifts!
PETITE NECKLACES: Our Petites have become a huge hit! The PERFECT gift, each piece comes with a corresponding display card featuring a sentimental message from the Artist! Available for shipment next business day, order online w/ REGULAR SHIPPING throughTUESDAY, December 20th & EXPRESS SHIPPING through THURSDAY, December 22nd!
IN STUDIO 1 Pleasant St., Portland: Designing custom pieces before your very eyes through Saturday, December 17th guaranteed for pickup in time for the holidays with our RUSH service. Shop our Petites, our EXTENSIVE PORTLAND, ME & CASCO BAY inspired line, DISCOUNTED DISPLAY AND SAMPLE PIECES from all over, or design and gift a printable version of our location artwork with piece to follow soon after all the way through SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24th! Open M-F 10AM-6PM & SAT 11AM-3PM!
Happy Holidays from the team and we hope to see you soon!