We recently made a very special piece for a customer who shared the story behind the piece:
'On May 6, 2008, a very beautiful free spirit tragically passed away. Her name was Paige. She was a local Captain here in Mystic and was the glue for her friends, family and this community. Anyone who had the opportunity to meet her, was a better person for it. Paige would have turned 30 this year and every birthday since she has passed, a small group of us take the boat out to where her ashes are scattered; we toast, and tell stores, laugh, cry, drop flowers and remember. The small group of passengers consist of her mother, her two brothers, her ex boyfriend and a couple of her close friends. While we were adrift, I gave her mother the necklace that I ordered. The image was of North and South Dumplings, the place where her ashes are scattered and on the back was engraved "Paige Rules", anyone who knew her, knows exactly what that means.'
--J. Ferraro
This weekend, CHART metalworks will be at the Mystic Wooden Boat Show that starts Friday, June 29th through Sunday, July 1st from 9-5pm. We are in Tent A Booth 48A--stop by for a visit!
And then we'll be visiting John's Mystic River Tavern to have a Guiness. We'll be sure not to curse or we'll have to donate $1 to the Jimmy Fund, a tradition that Paige started.